PAIC eighth workshop in Sorø, Denmark

7 – 18 May 2018

The last PAIC workshop was held with two different groups of invisible people in Sorø Denmark, from the 7-18 of May. The workshops were led by the Danish artist Jette Ellgaard and the Spanish artist Anna Dot. Afrikas strik (Knitting for Africa) prevent loneliness within older groups for women in Sorø. The women decided to make a joint wall gobelin, describing their interest in knitting for orphanage in Africa. At the opening they presented two hours knitting happening together with the gobelin.

The other group of vulnerable participants from Bo og støttecenter Sorø deals with young fragile girls, who are not a part of the young everyday educational life in Sorø but live in a home for vulnerable persons. They feel ignored in society, but together with the artist they walked around town, talked about identity and made live shadow drawings which was exhibited at the museum the 17 of may together with another live happening drawing in open space in order to start a dialogue with citizens and the audience of Sorø art museum.