
PAIC workshops will include tools and techniques which will produce participatory experience, and by giving the voice and being responsive to the needs and interests of local community members become a place for community engagement and dialogue which will challenge old cultural values and create new ones. The active involvement of community memebrs plays a crucial role in development and implementation of workshops programme.

7 – 18 May 2018

PAIC eighth workshop in Sorø, Denmark

The last PAIC workshop was held with two different groups of invisible people in Sorø Denmark, from the 7-18 of May. The workshops were led by the Danish artist Jette Ellgaard and the Spanish artist Anna Dot. Afrikas strik (Knitting for Africa) prevent loneliness within older groups for women in Sorø. The women decided to …

12-23 February 2018

PAIC seventh workshop in Vis, Croatia

The PAIC second workshop on the Island of Vis took place from February 12 to February 23, 2018, in the City of Vis. Dinko Božanić and Slovenian artist Valerie Wolf Gang worked with Antun Matijašević Karamaneo high school students and developed two participatory video projects that shared similar approach but used different poetics, both dealing …

13 - ​24 November 2017.

PAIC sixth workshop in Vic, Spain

The second Vic workshops, that took place November 19 – 24, 2017,  included four different groups working separately with local artist Jordi Lafon and Danish artist Line Sandvad Mengersn. Work with the Creu Roya was a continuation of the first Vic workshop and involved some of the women who participated the first PAIC workshop. Work …

11-22 September 2017

PAIC fifth workshop in Komiža, Croatia

From September 11th to 22nd, 2017 Omnimedia is hosting the workshop in Komiža, in the Island of Vis. Artists Marica Grgurinović and Christian Liljedahl worked with the local community with an ambition to artistically instigate cultural shifts and social change especially in the sense of the raising civic engagement to improve the quality of life …

13 - 24 June 2017

PAIC fourth workshop in Osek, Slovenia

From 13 to 24 June, 2017, the fourth PAIC workshop was held in Farouz, Osek in Slovenia The resident artists were the Croatian intermedia artist and curator Darko Fritz and the emerging Hungarian/Slovenian contemporary dance artist and teacher Tamas Tuza, who were supported by the local culture education veteran Nevenka Bremec. The particular mix of performing arts and …

18 - 28 April 2017

PAIC third workshop in Vic, Spain

The third PAIC workshop was held from 18 to 28 April 2017, in Vic, Spain.  Jordi Lafon, Spanish artist, and  Sonja Vuk, Croatian artist mentored the workshops that were organized by the ACVic Centre dArts Contemporànies. This workshop was a moment of convergence between two artists, one linked to the local place and a guest …

3-9 February 2017

PAIC Second Workshop in Sorø, Denmark

The second PAIC workshop took place at the local Art Museum, Kunstnergården, in the village Dianalund, Denmark from Friday, February 3 till Thursday 9, 2017. The aim of the workshop was to create a wider awareness and recognition of the possibilities for collaboration between the local school, Holbergskolen, and the local art museums; Kunstnergården and …

29 November - 10 December 2017

PAIC First Workshop in Osek, Slovenia

The first PAIC workshop took place from 29  November – 10  December 2017 in Osek, Slovenia and was mentored by Slovenian art collective  BridA (Jurij Pavlica, Sendi Mango, Tom Kerševan) and Spanish artist Domènec. The workshop was hosted by Academy of Arts of the University of Nova Gorica, together with the KTD Osek. The event series that took …